Yonsei Sangnam Institute of Management


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Domestic Programs

Customized Programs

SIM can help you achieve specific goals by offering a customized program, tailored to meet the specific needs of each organization. Taking a collaborative approach, SIM can develop innovative strategies to help your managers find new and unique solutions to your business challenges. Custom engagements are a collaborative effort between Yonsei’s academic faculty and senior leaders in your organization.

Our programs emphasize actionable learning - the application of theory in practice and combine core business skills and technical knowledge with innovative training. SIM’s approach to program customization ensures that you have the opportunity to test the theories you learn from your professors in real business situations. Theoretical concepts will come to life during your projects and simulations.

Our customized programs are created following the five steps listed below. In each step, we communicate and collaborate with our clients to ensure that our educational programs meet the clients’ specific needs and concerns

 Review & Analyze

We review the client’s current business issues and future goals in order to better understand their educational needs. Reflecting the company’s educational needs, SIM takes advantage of its unique examination and analysis process to identify what would be the best program format and content.

 Design & Develop

We design and develop a completely client-oriented program to best fulfill the client’s needs. SIM maintains close communication with the client to reflect their feedback in program development.


SIM maximizes learning efficiency through diverse learning and teaching methods. Case studies, debates, individual and group presentations, and action learning are used in all of our customized and open enrollment programs.


Upon the conclusion of each subject and the entire program, participants evaluate academic faculty, program management, facilities and the program structure itself. The results are collected and shared with clients, academic faculty, program director and program manager. The feedback and evaluation results are implemented quickly and efficiently for further improvement.


Even after the program, we offer follow-up services to the Client Company and participants to provide additional educational opportunities.

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